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Excerpt from
Deeply Loved
40 Ways in 40 Days to Experience the Heart of Jesus
By Keri Wyatt Kent
You are embarking on a forty-day journey. Please—don’t hurry through it. In fact, today is a good day to assess the current level of hurry in your life.
This book will provide you practical instruction on how to practice a number of spiritual disciplines that believers have used for years to grow closer to God, to experience Jesus’ loving presence. But you must ruthlessly eliminate hurry first. You will have to seriously consider: What other things might I have to prune from my schedule in order to have time to engage in these life-giving disciplines? What busy work is keeping me “worried and distracted” and preventing me from sitting at Jesus’ feet to just listen?
Slowing does several things. It allows us to pay attention. When you’re driving in unfamiliar territory, trying to read street signs or recognize landmarks, you’ll find that driving faster doesn’t help. Finding your way often requires taking your time.
Hurried people are fueled by obligation—I have to go here; I have to do this. Moving more slowly allows you to get in touch with what your soul longs for—things you actually want. If you
take your time, you will be better able to discern which of those desires are God-given and might even reflect his desire for your life. When we slow down, we reframe those obligations into opportunities because we can see God in them. We change our “have tos” to “get tos.”
To read more from Deeply Loved, find the book at your favorite retailer or download the ebook for half price for a limited time only from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Christian Book Distributors!
About the Author:
Keri Wyatt Kent is the author of ten books, a freelance writer and speaker. She writes and speaking about slowing down, simplifying and listening to God. To learn more, join Keri on a 40 day Lent study of her book on Facebook or by following her on Twitter (@KeriWyattKent #DeeplyLoved).
Excerpt from Deeply Loved: 40 Ways in 40 Days to Experience the Heart of Jesus by Keri Wyatt Kent. © by Abingdon Press. Used by Permission.