Mortal Fire by C.F. Dunn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I was drawn into this story almost immediately. The author created a setting and atmosphere that breathed tension and suspense. The danger was unknown and unseen, but palpable. The characters were well-formed for the most part and the romantic elements managed to be almost erotic without conflicting with Christian values. It stands out from other Christian fiction that I’ve read in that it has flawed characters and never gets preachy. The plot itself unfolds rather slowly, but the relationships, especially the one between Matthew and Emma with their intense attraction to one another, keep the reader’s interest. Also, the author does an amazing job of sustaining the suspense and tension before anything particularly sinister occurs. I’m looking forward to the sequel as I can’t wait to see what happens next!
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About the author: C.F. Dunn runs a specialist dyslexia and autism school in south east England, and writes in the south west.
In compliance with FTC guidelines, please note that I received a free review copy of this book through Kregel Blog Tours.