[simpleazon-image align=”none” asin=”1451617399″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Yv10jAApL._SL160_.jpg” width=”98″][simpleazon-link asin=”1451617399″ locale=”us”]Scorched[/simpleazon-link] by Laura Griffin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Usually, when a book involves the FBI and the Navy Seals, I immediately find it beyond belief and over-the-top. In Scorched, the author somehow maintains a feel of authenticity and reality prompting the reader to suspend disbelief and not only accept the premise of the story but become immersed in it. The explosive action was racked with tension. The sense of impending danger and the sexual attraction stayed charged throughout the story with pent-up anger, frustration, pain, fear and love for fuel. The narrative flew at a break-neck pace and the characters had perfect chemistry. I could easily see why this title won a RITA. Highly recommended for fans of romantic suspense.
“Another chance. part of her desperately wanted to believe him and another part of her – the logical part – knew that this wasn’t real” (p. 142).
“Kelsey stumbled through the darkness, expecting at any moment to feel the sting of a bullet in her back. They’d been moving briskly for what seemed like hours, pushing deeper and deeper into the empty desert” (p. 180).
“Fighting terrorism wasn’t about eliminating one man or even one group. It was about stopping a disease before it spread unchecked into the world’s healthiest democracies” (p. 345).