The Day That A Ran Away
By B.C.R. Fegan
My review: 4 of 5 stars
The Day That A Ran Away is a clever, colorful, and catchy concept book. The letters of the alphabet take the form of little monsters that do not cooperate with Jet and his homework. The rhythm and rhyme give it a sing-song feel, and the illustrations feature action and emotion that fit the story. My only concern is confusion over the target audience. Two concepts are put forth in this book: the alphabet and the importance of homework. The alphabet is taught in preschool or kindergarten where no homework is given. Homework is generally reserved for at least 1st graders who usually know their alphabet. So I’m not sure which readers to which this book would be most appealing. My guess is that kindergartners and beginning readers would enjoy and benefit from it the most. It would also make for a good read-aloud in the classroom or library. The presenter could take pauses to let the children guess the next letter or insert a rhyming word. It does make for a refreshing change from the usual alphabet concept book. The importance of completing your homework is a good message, but I wonder if it is really applicable to the audience most likely to experience this book. In any case, I would be very likely to share this book in story time.
In accordance with FTC guidelines, please note I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.