In The Global Warming Deception, Grant Jeffrey makes a compelling case for both the hoax of global warming and the signs of the end times. His argument that global warming is a lie is well-documented. His prophetic proclamations however are alarmist, and though his argument is interesting, the nature and timing of the end times cannot be proven or known by any mere mortal. I also question his qualifications in making such an argument. His bio says he’s a recognized expert on prophecy, but there is no mention of him attending seminary or being educated as a theologian. So although, Jeffrey’s book is well-written and well-researched, I found the end times arguments off-putting and distracting. He ended up coming off as alarmist as he accuses the global warming theorists of being. Ultimately, the book is worth reading if you have questions about the global warming argument. Too bad his insistence on veering into prophecy distracted from the well-researched argument against global warming. For most readers, it will make the book difficult to digest. (Review copy provided by LibraryThing Early Reviewers)
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