Nobody knows why a romance story becomes so popular in the heart of every reader and writer. No one knows how love develops in every lover. Consistently, this is not the work to be done. Love takes time, and to achieve the right moment, you need to know what love really is. A good romance story is very important to all readers who need comfort in their lives today. It can make broken-hearted lovers escape from their own reality and find the answers to their problems in the book. This is how books work. Every chapter and line in the story is very interesting, and it’s so amazing and full of excitement about what will happen next. You cannot stop reading until you read the end of the story. A good romance story is full of mystery until you find the answer in a happy ending.
Until now, the romance story was one of the best books in the world, in all libraries and bookstores worldwide. Most movies came from the books, and it became more realistic when flashed on the big screen. Women like reading books because, as we know, women want a fairy tale love story in their own lives. A very popular book that became a movie is “[simpleazon-link asin=”0316038377″ locale=”us”]Twilight[/simpleazon-link].” Everyone knows the story of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen; it is a story of love between a human and a vampire. “[simpleazon-link asin=”B0021L8V3Y” locale=”us”]Dear John[/simpleazon-link],” is a movie that hit the big screen and become a blockbuster. It is a story of a soldier who fell in love, but although he failed in the end, all of his love was worth it. And my favorite romance story is “[simpleazon-link asin=”143367579X” locale=”us”]The Vow[/simpleazon-link],” which is a movie based on a true story about how love conquers all, even though it may seem as though there’s no hope anymore.
A good romance story is so important to every reader wherever you go or whatever you do. Whether you are at work or on vacation, whether you are young or old, or whether you are a student, driver, teacher, farmer, vendor, businessman, housewife, husband, or a professional, a good romance story makes you become more interested in reading. It also makes lovers more knowledgeable about what love really is, it makes people interested in reading and writing novels, and it makes everything in your life full of fun and excitement.
Some people read romance books because they think that when they read a book, it feels like it is real. It touches the heart, it makes you feel different emotions, and you will find that you like it. Some say that when they read, they see the story visually as if it is painted in the wall like a drawing, and they think they are in the book. Others say that every word you read makes it as if you can make impossible things into a reality: you can build a castle in your own garden, you can choose your perfect match, and you can make your life amazing without working. You can just read and write and it becomes real to you. It can merge the two worlds of fantasy and reality into one world.
An interesting moment in a good romance story begins in a single word, line, and chapter and you expand it until it becomes a good romance story. Fantasy or not, good romance stories touch every emotion and make you feel as though your dreams have come true.
About the Author: Misty Wright aka Esther Lam together with Summer Sauteur are the authors of Butterflies and Earthworms.
Esther Lam is a secretary by day and book fanatic the rest of the time, she is now pursuing her life-long dream of weaving interesting romance tales for others to enjoy. She has a loving husband and three wonderful kids.
When she is not writing, she likes to spend time with the family. They frequent the nearby beaches and at the same time looking for inspirations and ideas for her next fiction and self-help books.
This way, she is constantly delivering great and interesting contents for readers of all ages to enjoy.
*In light of recent information, I have removed the links to the books that Misty claims to have written. When I confronted her about the allegations of plagiarism against her, she lied to me. She claimed to be a victim of her “ghostwriters” and also claimed to have removed all of the questionable books from Amazon. In fact, some of these books are still for sale under her name, and she told me in our initial contact that SHE was the author (no mention of ghostwriters). I’ll leave it to the reader to decide what is true in this case. But, I would suggest that Misty Wright is not to be trusted. As such, I have cut all ties to her. However, I left her contact info below in case you would like to confront her about these allegations.
Connect with Misty:
Paul R. Hewlett says
Excellent post! I don’t read all that many romances, but when I do it’s usually because I saw the movie. I love A Christmas Card, a romantic Christmas story. I want to read your books now, because I really liked the content of your post. I want to read a romance with some real substance. Which one of your books would you recommend I start with. Thanks to the Loopy Librarian for having the guest post and best of luck to Ms. Wright.
Paul R. Hewlett
MontiLee says
Misty Wright (Esther Lam) is a plagiarist. Three of the five books in this post have been verified as belonging to other authors. I, and other authors, are working on finding out who the other two books belong to.
“Assassin’s Love” was published by Jennifer Cloud in 2008 as “Crying Blood”
“The Great Gift” was published by Mark Stewart in 2010 as “A Perfect Gift”
“Love’s Freedom” was published by Leitha Wards in 2011 as “Hartley’s Crush”
These are authors who offered their books as free downloads (free doesn’t mean steal) either on Kindle or Smashwords. Plagiarism is an unnacceptable practice.
Tobin says
Please don’t support Misty. She’s a snake, a thief and an unapologetic plagiarist. She’s stolen enough and now she’s brazen enough to do blog tours for her copy and paste creations.
Allie says
Thank you MontiLee and Tobin for bringing this my readers’ attention. I confronted Misty on Goodreads and the response I received proved to me that she was indeed a liar. She claimed she was a victim of her “ghostwriters.” No true Indie writer should even have ghostwriters. Moreover, she claimed to have removed all the books in question from Amazon. As of a few minutes ago, I checked the links and two of them are still available for purchase. I have cut all ties to Misty and would suggest that others do the same. I decided to leave the post, so that the comments would remain. However, I have removed the Amazon links to the books. I left her contact information in place, not to promote her, but so that other concerned authors and readers would know how to reach her. It’s not lost on me that she still maintains credit for these books on Goodreads while also claiming to be a “victim.” Ugh!
Lietha Wards says
Misty Wright (Esther Lam) has actually stolen two of my books, not one. “Intrinsic Love” is my “Wild Heart” and “Love’s Freedom” is my “Hartley’s Crush”
As MontiLee says, I offer these books for FREE on Scribd and Obooko as rough unedited drafts, then they get sent to an editor after I’ve added about 10,000-20,000 words. This helps me build a wonderful fan base. However, this is unfortunate and it’s not the first time it has happened to me. I’m considering not offering books for free because of lowlifes like Misty. I have to prove copyright over and over again with websites because of people like her. She actually sent me some garbage apology this morning claiming it wasn’t her fault. ANY responsible author verifies their work. To blame some mythical “Ghostwriter” is unethical.
Now, on a good note; MIsty did NOT remove her books from Amazon. Amazon will ban her indefinately. She has multiple Aliases on the site which is against their terms of reference. She signs in and fluffs the reviews on the stolen books. I really wish I was a fly on the wall right now….sigh…
I want to thank this site for bringing her antics to the public. I was notified yesterday from another book review site about her plagarism.
Everyone have a great weekend. I know I will
Lietha Wards
Lietha Wards says
Just an update. Esther Lam (Misty Wright, Laura White, Eddy K. etc….) has removed her publishing website. She has sent me several emails denying accountability saying she was a victim of a ghostwriter. I told her if she was truly apologetic she would remove her books under her pen name “Laura White” off of amazon. Link below;
She has not done this. I also requested a public apology to me, Jennifer Cloud and Mark Stewart. Again, she has not done this.
She is taking down her blogs and of course the publishing site so she can’t be traced, but still has the one amazon account that I know of. I left a comment on one of Laura White’s books. I’ve also informed amazon and sent them the emails she has sent me. If you notice, it’s the exact same reviewers on each of the books giving herself five stars each time.