I’m not going to tell you how many books I own. I’m almost embarrassed to say. (If you really want to know, find me on LibraryThing.com). I keep saying I can stop buying books at any time, especially now that I receive so many free review copies. My resolve seldom lasts very long, however. For example, I had to buy the commemorative edition of A Wrinkle in Time that was released this year. And I just had to have a copy of State of Wonder which was so well reviewed last year. Then, I saw that Thomas Nelson had published two literary/biblical devotionals: one featuring the works of Charles Dickens and the other of Jane Austen. I had to have those; they are so very cool. I also learned that this year (on February 7th) is the anniversary of Charles Dickens two hundredth birthday, so I had to buy one of his books in celebration (and, no, the devotional doesn’t count). This also happens to be the anniversary year of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. I’m waiting until my next payday to buy that one. And yes, before you say it, I know I’ve already flown over the cuckoo’s nest, but that’s all the more reason why I must have the anniversary edition of the book. But, seriously, this is not an addiction. I can stop at any time.
peggy moyer says
HA! Yes you ARE!!-Mom