Love Always by Harriet Evans
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Love Always captures a complex family dynamic with captivating and intriguing characters. Nothing was quite what it seemed, but the truth was gradually revealed through the catalyst of Cecily’s diary. I love the way the writer rotated between time periods to gradually reveal the truth behind Cecily’s death as well as the many other mysteries that permeated the book. Those mysteries and the desire to know the truth behind them made the book hard to put down. It also made me impatient at times because I wanted the author to get to those truths more quickly. When the truths did come they were surprising and shed light on the family dynamic. As for Natasha, she was a sympathetic character that made you care about her and that you couldn’t help but root for. I was very pleased when she got her new beginning. Overall, it was a very enjoyable read.
Mary (BookHounds) says
I loved this one as well! I think it may have been my favorite of all Harriet Evans’ works, well, at least until her next book!
Kate Evangelista says
This seems like an interesting read. Thank you for putting it up. 🙂