by Allie
This is an example of a text widget which can be used to describe a particular service. You can also use other widgets in this location.
Examples of widgets that can be placed here in the footer are a calendar, latest tweets, recent comments, recent posts, search form, tag cloud or more.
peggy moyer says
What a great idea! If you have a fire in your home then you have a catalog of what you lost and can replace them through your insurance. I remember when our daughter had a fire in her dorm and she lost everything. It was hard remembering everything that was there. You had to know the price, quality and when purchased of the article burned. Also, those who did not have insurance really got burned. Try replaceing stuff from one room let alone a whole house!!
Allie says
I hadn’t thought of that application, but that’s very true. Before I catalogued my books on LibraryThing, I would’ve said I had about 600 books. As it turns out, I have closer to 800, and now I have documented them.