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Nicholas Sparks is one of my guilty pleasures. His books are a bit sappy and romantic as well as touching and emotional. I read Safe Haven last January. Here is the link to that review. You will see it was not one of my favorites. However, Safe Haven should prove to be the perfect date movie. The ladies will love it and the guys will hate it, but the ladies will appreciate the guys who are willing to suffer through it. If you need some bonus points gentlemen, get two tickets to see the movie Safe Haven and bring tissues for your date. Extra points will be awarded to the guys who actually WATCH the movie and DON’T roll their eyes. YOU CAN DO IT! I have faith in you. Fittingly, this movie debuts on Valentine’s Day (that’s February 14th, BTW).
For more information about the film go to Rotten Tomatoes (they haven’t yet reviewed the film, but you can check the site later for the critics thoughts).