Nancy Williams writes with an authority born of a strong Christian faith, a licensed counselor, a life coach, and the mother of two adult children. I devoured this book as I was hungry for just the sort of information and advice that she was sharing. My daughter graduates high school in less than a month and has joined the Army. Williams’ book surprised me by touching on parenting a child in the military. She left no stone unturned and researched the book well. She referenced other noted experts in the field of family relationships and mentioned really useful websites. She also included comments and concerns from young adults. I would have liked her to have included more of the husband’s perspective though. Nevertheless, Secrets to Parenting Your Adult Child is an excellent resource and I highly recommend it.(Advance Reading Copy provided through LibraryThing Early Reviewers)
peggy moyer says
Sounds good Allison. I do not think we are ever finished being a parent. We just have to change our techniques while honoring the stage our adult child is in. Sort of the same way as we watch our parents get oleder.