Lust on the Rocks by Dianne Venetta
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Some parts of this book were well done while others not so much. I thought the suspenseful scenes (like the near drowning episode) were very well-written. I felt the tension and the frustration of the characters. Other scenes like Vic and Sam eating lunch and flirting with each other were very dry. Though I was told by the author that the two were attracted to each other, I didn’t sense the chemistry or the attraction. I thought the underlying story was good, but it felt like a book written on formula rather than passion. There was a little too much telling and not enough showing. But it wasn’t bad just uneven. Note: As one might expect from the title, there were explicit sex scenes.
In compliance with FTC guidelines, please note that I received this e-book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review.