The situation: Patron comes in, hands us library card, wants to use computer.
Library: This card has overdue items and excessive fines and is blocked. You will need to clear the account.
Patron: I don’t know what you’re talking about! I NEVER checked out those books!
Library: Oh. Well. We always require a library card so you will need to check with the police about a stolen ID, or, clear the account.
Patron: Wait! That isn’t my card! That’s my BROTHER’S card! We must have accidentally exchanged cards.
Library: Do you have your own card?
Patron: At home. I’ll just use his and he can come in and clear the account later.
Library: No. Your own card will be required.
Patron: Oh, here it is!
Library: Given the circumstances we will need to see identification.
Patron: WHAT?? I left it in the car.
Library: We will wait.
Patron leaves and doesn’t come back – leaving wallet behind. Wallet which has 3 different library cards with 3 different names, 2 different driver’s licenses with different names, 2 social security cards, and 3 credit cards. We turned it over to the police.
MORAL: If you are going to steal someone’s library card, find someone without overdue books!
*Used with the permission of the Director from a neighboring library system who shared it on the Director’s ListServe (and no she did not make this up).
Lisa Orchard says
This is a funny story! Thanks for the laugh!
Allie says
I’m glad it amused you as much as it did me. Thanks for stopping by!
Paul R. Hewlett says
Very amusing indeed. Wow, people never cease to amaze me. I bet you get lots of stories, especially with the computers available now.
Paul R. Hewlett